Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Guild "Don't" picture series

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Thank You Donors

Thanks again for your continued support.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Random Guild Giveaway
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
End of Month Contests
Email us comments about a previous podcast, about an episode of The Guild that you liked/disliked, About anything Guild or Knights of the Guild related. Also you can email us Guild trivia questions or Questions for Sean Becker. If you email us we will add your name to our "End of Month" drawing for a cool KOTG prize... or even an autographed picture of a cast member.
Send those emails to Knightsoftheguild@gmail.com
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
New Segment

Monday, February 15, 2010
Guild Trivia
But for this to continue I need more Guild Trivia questions. They can be anything Guild related. You can email them to me at Knightsoftheguild@gmail.com. Also if you do email trivia questions you will also be put into a different "End of Month" contest for a cool KOTG prize.. so it's a win win.
Knights of the Guild Ep 13 pt1
Show Notes:
WOW!!!! that pretty much sums up this 1 year anniversary party/podcast.
It was truly and amazing night of friends, podcasting and good times. We had some very special guests show up to join in on the fun. I would like to thank all our guests for making the trek out of my house (I live in the middle of nowhere). Felicia, Kim, Michele, Brian, Fernie, Andrew, Will, Mel, Jay, Greg, Jared, Sean, Megan and Ray.
This podcast is an edited version of our live podcast on Ustream. You can watch the entire 5 hours here http://www.ustream.tv/channel/knights-of-the-guild Password for UStream is KOTG
Today’s show features:
- * First up we have a Vorkism.
- * We are recording this weeks podcast live from our studio.
- * We sit down and interview Fernando Chien, Michele Boyd, Sean Becker, Greg Aronowitz, Kim Evey and Felicia Day
- * We then read and listen to listeners comments for our 1 Year Annivesary.
- * We then have a Very Special Buinsess Time and say goodbye
Thank you again for all your support, we do this podcast because we are fans and more importantly for the fans.
Kenny & Jenni
Other Important Links
- Knights of the Guild Feeds/Downloads http://knightsoftheguild.com
- Knights of the Guild Daily Blog http://knightsoftheguildpodcast.blogspot.com/
- Knights of the Guild Fan page on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/group
- Follow us on twitter @knightsofguild
- Knights of the Guild Group on Watchtheguild.com http://community.watchtheguild.com/group
- Knights of the Guild UStream Channel http://www.ustream.tv/channel/knights-of-the-guild
- Password for UStream is KOTG
Call Knights of the Guild 818-308-KOTG (5684) Let’s us know what you think of our show. Give your thoughts on the current season of The Guild or just say hi. US folks can use the widget on our websites to call for FREE.
- Knights of the Guild Cafe Press Online Shop : Where you can buy KOTG T-shrits, magnets, buttons and so much more. http://www.cafepress.com/KOTG
- The Guild http://watchtheguild.com
- Geekerdome Network http://geekerdome.com
- Between the Lines Studio Podcast Network http://Betweenthelinesstudio.com
- Megan Lynch’s “Songs The Brothers Warner Taught Me” CD http://meganlynch.bandcamp.com
Other Webseries Promo’s during the show this week:
O-Cast http://www.o-cast.com
Bumps in the Night http://bumpsintPodcast Promo’s played during the show this week:
Also we talk about a very special gift from our friend Matthew Brackney, You can check out his awesome website here.. http://mastermatt111.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
KOTG Microcast #15 Quest for S3 DVD Extras
Today we do a skype chat with some Guild fans who were lucky enough to get an advance copy of The Guild Season Three DVD. On our skype chat we discuss the Extras that come with the DVD. Please note that we will be talking about the extras in detail so there will be SPOILERS.
Our Guests for this Skype Call are: Eva, Higlet, Brian K, Chris F, Jeff V, Edgar G, Jenni and Kenny
Thank you all for taking the time and chatting with us.
On Monday, February 15th, Season 3 arrives on DVD exclusively on Amazon.com with a retail price of $14.95.
Bonus features on the DVD include “Do You Want to Date My Avatar” Music Video, The Making of “Do You Want to Date My Avatar,” the Halloween episode, Guild Applicant Rejects, How to Build Vork’s Sword, Audio Commentary with the Cast, Audio Commentary with the Creator, Director and Producer, Axis of Anarchy Interviews, Gag Reels, PDF of Script, Play All Feature and English Subtitles. The Amazon.com DVD release comes on two DVD-R discs by Amazon’s Create Space, and is NTSC format, region-free.
Hope you enjoy it…
Kenny & Jenni
Other Important Links
- Knights of the Guild Feeds/Downloads http://knightsoftheguild.com
- Knights of the Guild Daily Blog http://knightsoftheguildpodcast.blogspot.com/
- Knights of the Guild Fan page on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/group
- Knights of the Guild Group on Watchtheguild.com http://community.watchtheguild.com/group
- Follow us on twitter @knightsofguild
- Knights of the Guild UStream Channel http://www.ustream.tv/channel/knights-of-the-guild
Password for UStream is KOTG
Call Knights of the Guild 818-308-KOTG (5684) Let’s us know what you think of our show. Give your thoughts on the current season of The Guild or just say hi. US folks can use the widget on our websites to call for FREE.
- Knights of the Guild Cafe Press Online Shop : Where you can buy KOTG T-shrits, magnets, buttons and so much more. http://www.cafepress.com/KOTG
- The Guild http://watchtheguild.com
- Geekerdome Network http://geekerdome.com
- Between the Lines Studio Podcast Network http://Betweenthelinesstudio.com
Podcast Promo’s played during the show this week:
Monday, February 1, 2010
Knights of the Guild Ep 12 pt2
Show Notes:
Here it is Episode 12 part 2 of Knights of the Guild. We hope you enjoy it.
Today’s show features:
- * First up we have a Vorkism.
- * We are recording this weeks podcast from the back of the Vork-mobile
- * We discuss Behind the Scenes of Episode 1 Season 3 Expansion Time
- * We have a fun fan Interview with SoapboxMark
- * We thank our donors.
- * Then we have our final words and we say goodbye aka Business Time.
This podcast was recorded live, you can watch the video on our UStream channel - http://www.ustream.tv/channel/knights-of-the-guild You do need a password to access it. The password is KOTG
Thank you again for all your support, we do this podcast because we are fans and more importantly for the fans.
Kenny & Jenni
Other Important Links
- Knights of the Guild Feeds/Downloads http://knightsoftheguild.com
- Knights of the Guild Daily Blog http://knightsoftheguildpodcast.blogspot.com/
- Knights of the Guild Fan page on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/group
- Knights of the Guild Group on Watchtheguild.com http://community.watchtheguild.com/group
- Knights of the Guild UStream Channel http://www.ustream.tv/channel/knights-of-the-guild
Password for UStream is KOTG
- Follow us on twitter @knightsofguild
Call Knights of the Guild 818-308-KOTG (5684) Let’s us know what you think of our show. Give your thoughts on the current season of The Guild or just say hi. US folks can use the widget on our websites to call for FREE.
- Knights of the Guild Cafe Press Online Shop : Where you can buy KOTG T-shrits, magnets, buttons and so much more. http://www.cafepress.com/KOTG
- The Guild http://watchtheguild.com
- Geekerdome Network http://geekerdome.com
- Between the Lines Studio Podcast Network http://Betweenthelinesstudio.com
- Browncoast Redemption Movie http://browncoatsmovie.com
Podcast Promo’s played during the show this week: