Show Notes:
This is the final CompanionCast for The Guild Season Five. First of all be sure you watched Episode 12 of season 5 . If you haven’t seen it yet watch it HEREOur Season 4 CompanionCasts were a huge hit so we thought we would do them again for Season 5.
So what is a CompanionCast?? It’s a behind the scene look at the current episode of The Guild.
I was on set everyday while they shot Season 5. As actors and crew were finished with scenes I would try and speak to them. Get some inside info about the scene they just shot. I also interviewed Felicia Day and Kim Evey about the storyline and Sean Becker about the directing. Each one of these CompanionCasts will be episode specific and will vary in length depending on how much guildie goodness I am able to gather.
In this CompanionCast I interview Sandeep Parikh, Jeff Lewis, Amy Okuda, Vince Caso, Greg Aronowitz, Robin Thorsen, Doug Jones, Leslie Crystal, Felicia Day and many more.
I hope you enjoy a look behind the scenes of Season 5 Episode 12
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- Between the Lines Studio Podcast Network http://Betweenthelinesstudios.com
Podcast promo’s played during the show this week: