Monday, May 31, 2010
Going Live
The channel is password protected to try and keep as many trolls out of it.. so when prompted type in KOTG and that will give you access.
You can go there now and watch older episodes that we recorded previously including our four hour 1 year anniversary podcast with special cast members joining us including Felicia Day.
Hope to see you guys tomorrow.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Knights of the Guild Ep 16 pt2
Show Notes:
Here it is Episode 16 part 2 of Knights of the Guild. We hope you enjoy it.
Today’s show features:
- * First up we have a Classic Vorkism.
- * We are recording this weeks podcast live on the set of Season Four of The Guild
- * We discuss Behind the Scenes of Season 3 Episode 4 - Get it Back!!
- * We have another great crew interview with Marketing Guru Brian
- * We have another installment of Guild Something with Sean Becker
- * We announce a new contest as well as winners of a previous contest.
- * We thank our donors.
- * Then Business Time and Goodbye
Thank you again for all your support, we do this podcast because we are fans and more importantly for the fans.
Kenny & Jenni
Other Important Links
- Knights of the Guild Feeds/Downloads
- Knights of the Guild Daily Blog
- Knights of the Guild Fan page on Facebook
- Knights of the Guild Group on
- Knights of the Guild UStream Channel
Password for UStream is KOTG
- Follow us on twitter @knightsofguild
Call Knights of the Guild 818-308-KOTG (5684) Let’s us know what you think of our show. Give your thoughts on the current season of The Guild or just say hi. US folks can use the widget on our websites to call for FREE.
- Knights of the Guild Cafe Press Online Shop : Where you can buy KOTG T-shrits, magnets, buttons and so much more.
- Knights of the Guild Zazzle Online Shop : Where you can buy KOTG T-shrits, magnets, buttons and so much more.
- The Guild
- Geekerdome Network
- Between the Lines Studio Podcast Network
Smart Pop Books
Webseries and other show promo’s played during the show this week:
- Pegwarmers - The Geeks Shall Inherit The Earth
- Browncoat: Redemption Movie
- Horrible Turn
Podcast promo’s played during the show this week:
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day Fourteen
Monday, May 24, 2010
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day Thirteen
Only a few more days left for this season and though I will be sad that it will be over I'll be happy as well as I have a ton of audio that I have to sift through and organize for the KOTG "Special Season Four" podcasts.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Editing KOTG Podcast
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day Twelve
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day Eleven
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day Ten
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
New KOTG Logo Third Attempt
New KOTG Logo Second Attempt
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day Nine

Monday, May 17, 2010
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day Eight
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day Seven
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day Six
Knights of the Guild Ep 16 pt1
Here it is Episode 16 part 1 of Knights of the Guild… Enjoy!!!
Today’s show features:
- * First up a classic Vorkism.
- * We are recording this weeks podcast live on the set of The Guild Season 4
- * We discuss the latest Guild News
- * We have a very cool fan Interview with Ben Brusell
- * We find out what the cast and crew are up too.
- * We read listener feedback
- * We announce the winners of our end of month (April) contest : @megflower2003 (Felicia Day Autographed pix), @mitydad (KOTG shirt), @dorphlthewise (KOTG shirt), @Tullock (KOTG shirt), @Alee67 (KOTG Shirt) & @moyer777 (KOTG Mousepad)
- * We also announce several new contests
- * Then Business Time and Good bye
Thank you again for all your support, we do this podcast because we are fans and more importantly for the fans.
Kenny & Jenni
Other Important Links
- Knights of the Guild Feeds/Downloads
- Knights of the Guild Daily Blog
- Knights of the Guild Fan page on Facebook
- Knights of the Guild Group on
- Knights of the Guild UStream Channel (Password for UStream is KOTG)
- Follow us on twitter @knightsofguild
- Call Knights of the Guild 818-308-KOTG (5684) Let’s us know what you think of our show. Give your thoughts on the current season of The Guild or just say hi. US folks can use the widget on our websites to call for FREE.
- Knights of the Guild Cafe Press Online Shop : Where you can buy KOTG T-shrits, magnets, buttons and so much more.
- Knights of the Guild Zazzle Online Shop : Where you can buy KOTG T-shrits, magnets, buttons and so much more.
- The Guild
- Geekerdome Network
- Between the Lines Studio Podcast Network
Smart Pop Books
- Teal’s Show Sanity 2, Here is the link to buy tickets online
- Pictures of Teddy’s upcoming projects
Podcast Promo’s played during the show this week:
Friday, May 14, 2010
Contests, Contests and More Contests
Contest #1 : Business Time Contest ****ENDED****
We are asking for listeners help with out business time section of the podcast. We ask that you read 1, 2 , or all of our Business Time sayings and email them to us. If we play one of yours, your name will go into a drawing. We're we will draw one lucky winner at random. You can go HERE to find the text of what we say during busin
Prize: First issue of The Guild comic book signed by all 6 main cast members (Felicia, Vince, Sandeep, Jeff, Amy and Robin)
Contest #2 : Guild Essay
Smart Pop Books ( generously donated 3 books to Knights of the Guild podcast. These books are fresh, funny essays on the best of pop culture tv, books and film with particular focus on science fiction and fantasy television and literature. I was able to pick three that I felt would fit our fanbase. To win one of these books we are asking our listeners to write an essay on any facet of The Guild. We will have an impartial judge read them all and pick his three favorite. We will have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner. 1st place will get first choice on which book they want, then 2nd place will get the pick from the remaining 2 books and third place will get the remaining book.
Send all entries to
Prizes: Finding Serenity, Serenity Found and Seven Seasons of Buffy
Contest #3 : Hi my name is _____ and I'm a Knight of the Guild because... ****ENDED****
This is a contest that anyone can enter, all I want if for you to fill in the blank and answer the question. Email your entry to
Example: Hi my name is Kenny and I'm a Knight of the Guild because the moment I saw the first episode of The Guild I knew I wanted to be part of the magic.
Prize: Felicia Day Autographed Photo
Contest #4 : End of Month Contest
We have this contest every month, you must follow us on twitter @knightsofguild, @geekyfanboy @jennipowell
For this contest if varies from RTing tweets, to answering Guild trivia. All those who enter all put into this End of Month drawing.
Prize: KOTG Merchandise, Autographed pictures, Number of winners varies on the amount of participation. There is at least 1 winner a month.
If you have any cool contest ideas please send us an email at
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day Five
Next up we get two days off and then we're back on Saturday. Still need to edit Knights of the Guild podcast #16 part 1 before it's released on the 15th. And I hope to organize some of this Season Four interview footage.
KOTG Microcast #18 Quest for Lil’ Guildies
Today while on the set of Season 4 of The Guild we were joined by Kim Evey, Greg Aronowitz, and Paul & Storm who all created one of the most elaborate April Fools Day joke ever Lil’ Guildies. Jenni and I talk with these guys about the entire process from idea to completed project.
“Lil Guildies” pixs on Flickr
Greg Aronowitz’s Blog
Paul and Storm Website
Thank you again for all your support, we do this podcast because we are fans and more importantly for the fans.
Kenny & Jenni
Other Important Links
- Knights of the Guild Feeds/Downloads
- Knights of the Guild Daily Blog
- Knights of the Guild Fan page on Facebook
- Knights of the Guild Group on
- Follow us on twitter @knightsofguild
- The Guild
- Geekerdome Network
- Between the Lines Studio Podcast Network
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day Four
There was a reveal today that was AWESOME, of course I can't say anything but it was the highlight for the day. But this was a close second.. the wonderful Kim Evey got the "Shaved Ice" truck to come to the location and everything got some delicious shaved ice.. I had the rockin' rainbow, which was cherry, blueberry and pineapple shaved ice over vanilla ice cream.. it was pretty AWESOME too.

Another cool thing about today's location is that it's the same place where they filmed Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show and look who I found sitting next to me.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day Three
It was a very productive day, I got some good sound bites and real informative interviews. As I left for the evening around 8pm I got in my Jeep and started it up. Soon as I started my "gas" light came on and I looked at my gas gauge and it was empty. I knew immediately that someone has siphoned my gas. I knew I wasn't far from a gas station so I started to make my way there when, just at the bottom of the hill, my jeep completely died. I pushed the jeep to the side of the road and walked to remaining two blocks to get gas, once I had put the small amount in my jeep I drove back to the gas station and did a fill up.
This has happened to be before as my jeep has an open gas compartment and the gas cap has no lock. After that fun I drove home with no more issue.
Listener's Input
I've been thinking of changing up Knights of the Guild a bit and I want your guys input on what segments you like, which ones you can live without and what "new" segments you would like to hear. Email us at with you thoughts or give us your comments below this post.
Current Segments:
- Behind the Scenes
- Interviews with a Fan
- Interviews with a Crew Member
- Interviews with a Cast Member
- What the Cast and Crew Up too
- Guild Something with Sean Becker
- Contests
- Donations
- Business Time
- Guild News
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day Two
Anyways after my visit with Greg I headed over to The Guild set. Once again I can't say anything but I did get another very cool interview as well as interviews with some of the awesome crew.
Day two was just as much fun as day one.. can't wait for day three.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Guild Shoot Season 4 - Day One

I got bad and then good news.. Bad news: they have not asked me back to film the behind the scenes material for the DVD. Good news: They want to expand Knights of the Guild podcast to include live set interviews. Besides it's regular podcasts, Knights of the Guild will also release companion piece to the webseries. When they release new episodes we will release a

I'm sad that I won't be doing BTS anymore but excited to take Knights of the Guild to a whole new level.
First day was a lot of fun, of course I can't say much about it other then I got some good BTS interviews and I can't wait to get started on these special G4 (Guild Season 4) episodes.
1st Day of Guild Shoot
I'm extremely excited to get back to the set of The Guild. Knights of the Guild podcast is going to have a big presence this season and we plan on bringing you some very cool behind the scenes podcasts.
I'll try and blog as much as I can so check back often.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
KOTG Microcast #17 Quest for S4 Read Through

Show Notes:
I was privileged enough to be invited to The Guild’s Season 4 Read Through. This is where all the actors come together around a table and read the script from beginning to end. Of course I’m sworn to secrecy but do manage to talk to some of the actors and staff about returning for Season 4 and what they hope for their characters. Hope you guys enjoy it and gets you excited for Season 4.
Thank you again for all your support, we do this podcast because we are fans and more importantly for the fans.
Kenny & Jenni
Other Important Links
- Knights of the Guild Feeds/Downloads
- Knights of the Guild Daily Blog
- Knights of the Guild Fan page on Facebook
- Knights of the Guild Group on
- Follow us on twitter @knightsofguild
- The Guild
- Geekerdome Network
- Between the Lines Studio Podcast Network
Webseries Promo’s played during the show this week:
- Browncoat: Redemption Movie
- O-Cast
Podcast Promo’s played during the show this week:
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Recording Ep. 16

We did have one scare as we were half way through recording part 1 and Audacity (the program I use to record the podcasts) suddenly went funky and became unresponsive. I did everything I could to try and save our work that we had done the past hour. Suddenly everything crashed. Figured we were screwed so I started everything back up and when I started Audacity a window popped up and said "do you want to recovery previous work".. relief washed over me as I clicked YES.. we manage to save the majority of it and lost the last ten minutes of our recording.
Now all I have to do is edit them, add the SFX, level them, convert them and then upload them.